Announcing an awe-inspiring breakthrough in high school
graduation announcements that will leave you feeling absolutely amazed.
Traditional announcements present basic facts. “This person is graduating from this high school on this date.”
They are boring, one dimensional, outdated, pieces of paper!
Video Pix It graduation announcements, from Photo Gift It, embed a video in the graduation announcement that can be viewed on your smartphone or tablet. Video Pix It graduation announcements bring that boring, one dimensional piece of paper to life!
the feelings that your family and friends will experience as they watch your graduates’ life and accomplishments unfold before them. The embedded video is their ticket to memories from your child’s past that are otherwise lost forever.
We understand how important the senior year in high School is. Through absolutely no fault of their own, this class has been deprived of most sporting events, field trips, proms and many other activities that make the senior year special. In many cases they have not even been able to attend school in person. Thus, depriving them the ability to interact with their friends. Nobody should have to lose senior year memories like the class of 2020-21 has. Like you, we are frustrated by the events that have caused this loss. We care about your graduate’s feelings. Video Pix It graduation announcements will help your graduate feel important, feel loved and feel respected on their graduation day. Video Pix It Graduation Announcements make your child the star of their graduation story.
Video Pix It Graduation Announcements are for those parents and graduates that want:
To make the graduate feel special.
To be Trend setters.
To have a unique Graduation Announcement.
To make a deeper connection with their family and friends.
To be an early adopter of technology.
To elevate their status with their friends and family
To have a graduation announcement that celebrates the graduates’ life story and their accomplishments.
To have a graduation announcement that will be kept and shared with others.
To have a more meaningful graduation announcement.
To have the coolest high school graduation announcement on planet earth!
What are the risks of purchasing Video Pix It Graduation Announcements from Photo Gift It?
You may return all of the graduation announcements and
envelopes in their original condition within 14 days for a full refund!
That is our Peace of Mind Satisfaction guarantee to you!
You have nothing to lose and lots of benefits to gain!
Order today!
Get Free Video Pix It Graduation Announcements!
Once you have purchased a minimum of 40 Video Pix It Graduation Announcements, you have the opportunity to receive additional graduation announcements FREE. For every class-mate that purchases a minimum of 40 Video Pix It Graduation Announcements and enters your identification code (which will be provided) you will recieve 8 Video Pix It Graduation Announcements FREE.
Get started telling your friends about Video Pix It Graduation Announcements by showing them the direct mail card that your parent received. Do it today!
Video Pix It Graduation Announcements Create A Better Experience Than Traditional Graduation Announcements
We have created a better graduation announcement experience for those that want their graduation announcements to be more than just a piece of paper.
We encourage you not to let Outdated, boring, one dimensional, graduation announcements deprive your graduate of the recognition they deserve. They have sacrificed enough!
Creating the video is a bonding experience!
The time spent creating the video is a special time. It gives you the opportunity to reconnect with the events in your child’s life. Remembering them as a newborn, a growing baby, as a toddler, their preschool years, elementary school, middle school and their high school years. Creating the Video Pix it graduation announcement video helps you to form a deeper bond with your child. Think of the memories you will miss out on if you choose to use a boring, one-dimensional traditional graduation announcement and do not create this video celebrating your graduate’s life and their accomplishments.
Having the graduate make a video that tells in their own words what their goals for the future are will add meaning to the overall presentation.
Order your Video Pix It Graduation Announcements today to lock in this incredible price.
The video can be submitted later.
Ordering Video Pix It Graduation Announcements is easy.
1. Click the “Buy Video Pix It Graduation Announcements Now” button to be taken to the products page.
2. Click on card you want to create
3. Select the style of card and create your own design.
4. Go through the checkout process and submit your order.
5. Wait for the most amazing graduation card to be delivered.
6. Video can be submitted later.
7. Prepare for the recipients to be amazed as your graduates’ life story unfolds on their smartphone or tablet.
The video story of your child’s life journey is worthy to be shared.
It delivers a relevant message that your family and friends want to see. By creating a totally new and unique graduation announcement experience, it is our desire to help the recipients share in the joy and excitement you and your child are feeling as this major life milestone is achieved. It will help create a deeper bond between you, your graduate, family and friends. It will create memories that last a lifetime.